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Join 28 days 200 hours kundalini yoga teacher training course at yash yoga school and learn traditional teachings of kundalini yoga under the guidance of experienced yoga teachers who knows the essence of kundalini yoga.

The word Kundalini is a familiar one to all students of Yoga, as it is well known as the power, in the form of a coiled serpent, residing in Muladhara Chakra, the first of the seven Chakras, the other six being Svadhishthana, Manipuraka) Anahata, Visuddha, Ajna and Sahasrara, in order.

All Sadhanas in the form of Japa, meditation, Kirtan and prayer as well as all development of virtues, and observance of austerities like truth, non-violence and continence are at best calculated only to awaken this serpent-power and make it to pass through all the succeeding Chakras beginning from Svadhishthana to Sahasrara, the latter otherwise called as the thousand-petalled lotus, the seat of Sadasiva or the Parabrahman ’Kundalini Yoga is that Yoga which treats of Kundalini Shakti, the six centres of spiritual energy (Shat Chakras), the arousing of the sleeping Kundalini Shakti and its union with Lord Siva in Sahasrara Chakra, at the crown of the head. This is an exact science. This is also known as Laya Yoga. The six centres are pierced (Chakra Bheda) by the passing of Kundalini Shakti to the top of the head. ‘Kundala’ means ‘coiled’. Her form is like a coiled serpent Hence the name Kundalini.’

Course certification-
200 hour kundalini yoga teacher training course is yoga alliance USA & Government of India certified that enables everyone to teach anywhere around the world as a certified kundalini yoga teacher.

Arrival & Departure Dates:
The course starts on 1 st of every month at 10:00 Am with opening ceremony & orientation program, In order to attend the opening ceremony of the course you should arrive at school a day before from the starting of the course. The course completes on 27 th of every month at 7:00 Pm with graduation & fire ceremony performed by the graduates & their masters, Departure date & time is 28 th of every month at 12:00 Pm during afternoon time.

What is the best way to arrive at Yash Yoga School?
The best and most convenient way to travel for Rishikesh is to take flight from Delhi airport to Dehradun airport as it’s inexpensive than taxi fees and time saver. Dehradun airport is merely 15 kms from School as soon as you book your flight, forward us your flight details and we will send our driver to receive you from Dehradun airport.

Dress code for opening and graduation ceremony-
Keep 1 or 2 pairs of white clothes for opening and graduation ceremony of the course.


1- preliminaries of kundalini yoga
2- Kundalini yoga philosophy
3- Kundalini sadhana
4- Kundalini pranayama
5- Kundalini meditation
6- Kundalini Asanas
7- Kundalini mudras and bandhas
8- Kundalini yoga chanting

Kundalini yoga chanting
Guru Stotra
Devi Stotra
Siva Stotra
The Four Stages of Sound
Prayer to Mother Kundalini

Experiences on Awakening of Kundalini
The Gradational Ascent of the Mind
Pranayama for Awakening Kundalini
Kundalini Pranayama

What is Yoga?
The Importance of Kundalini Yoga
Importance Qualification of a Sadhaka
Yogic Diet
Sattvic Articles
Forbidden Articles
The Place for Yoga Sadhana
The Time
The Age
Necessity for a Yogic Guru
Who is Guru?
Spiritual Power

Yoga Nadis
Spinal Column

Sukshma Sarira
Spinal Cord
Sushumna Nadi
Para-Sympathetic and Sympathetic System
Ida and Pingala Nadis
Svara Sadhana
How to Change the Flow in Nadis
Other Nadis
Padmas or Chakras
Petals on Chakras
Muladhara Chakra
Svadhishthana Chakra

How to Awaken the Kundalini
1. Dhauti
2. Basti
3. Neti
4. Nauli
5. Trataka
6. Kapalabhati


Chitta and the Control of Prana
Mitahara, Asana and Shakti-Chalana
Tha Padma and Vajra Asanas
The Rousing of the Kundalini
The Sarasvati Chalana
Varieties of Pranayama
Suryabheda Kumbhaka
Ujjayi Kumbhaka
Sitali Kumbhaka
The Three Bandhas

What is Prana?

Nadi Suddhi
1. Sukha Purvaka
2 .Bhastrika
3. Suryabheda
4. Ujjayi
5. Plavini
6. Pranic Healing
7. Distant Healing
Importance of Pranayama
Benefits of Pranayama
Instructions on Pranayama

Importance of Asanas
1. Padmasana (Lotus Pose)
2. Siddhasana (The Perfect Pose)
3. Svatikasana (Prosperous pose)
5. Sirshasana (Topsy Turvy Pose)
6. Sarvangasana (All-members Pose)
7. Matsyasana (Fish Posture)
8. Paschimottanasana
9. Mayurasana (Peacock Pose)
10. Ardha Matsyendrasana

11. Vajrasana (The Adamantine Pose)
12. Urdhava Padmasana (Above Louts Pose)

1. Mula Bandha
2. Jalandhara Bandha
3 .Uddiyana Bandha
4. Maha Mudra
5. Maha Bandha
6. Maha Veda
7. Yoga Mudra
8. Viparitakarani Mudra
9. Khechari Mudra
10. Vajori Mudra
11. Shakti Chalana Mudra
12. Yoni Mudra

Laya Yoga
Anahata Sounds
Bhakti Yoga-Classes of Worship
Eight Major Siddhis
Minor Siddhis
Power of a Yogi
Instructions on Siddhis

Dharana (Concentration)

Lives of Great Men
1. Sadasiva Brahman
2. Jnanadev
3. Trilinga Swami
4. Gorakhnath
5. Swami Krishna Ashram
6. Yogic Bhusanda
7. Tirumula Nayanar
8. Mansoor
9. Milarepa
10. Napoleon Bonaparte
11. Teaching of Kabir
12. A Sham Latin Scholar
13. Story of an Aspirant
14. Other Yogins

Mystic Experiences-Visions of Lights
Life in the Astral Plane
Hints on Yoga
Some Practical Hints
The Spiritual Diary

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Yash Yoga School is USA Registered yoga teacher training School in Rishikesh that offers Yoga Alliance certified 100 Hour, 200 Hour, 300 Hour & 500 hour yoga teacher training courses. Also providing weekly yoga Retreat in Rishikesh, Meditation & Himalaya Treking yoga retreat in India. Our comprehensive Yoga TTC courses are conducted by highly experienced and dedicated yoga gurus who are accomplished in the teachings of Ashtanga yoga and vinyasa flow yoga at Yash Yoga School. Our school is located in the holy town of Rishikesh (The world capital of yoga), India.    

We invite you to come with a willingness to open your mind and your heart as we support you to experience meaningful possibilities that you can take home with you.

We have a team of the most knowledgeable and highly-skilled Yoga masters who have a great enthusiasm for yoga teaching. At our school, all the students are taught with personal attention in order to make it a transformative experience that remains throughout the life. After successfully completing the course, our students will be able to teach others about the wonderful benefits of classical yoga. ...

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