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The basics of the modern science of human body and nature are to be learned in this course. The actual way of practicing Pranayama for different diseases makes the difference with the modern medicine in treating the diseases. The missing component of "World Health Organization (WHO)" in the present modern medical system that is spiritual health is covered up in our 200 hour yoga therapy course. Using the concept of sound for the diseases is also one of the natural techniques the students learn in this program. The differences of sound and its natural way of production through chanting Sanskrit mantras and shlokas is the uniqueness of this program. Learning few or more Sanskrit words activates the nerve cells and removes the obstacles at subconscious mind. The exact way of using the sound is the clue for reducing the thoughts and gaining the health. The Sattvic food habits throughout the program make the sattvic personality that is balanced personality. With all these basic knowledge, the 200 hour program in Rishikesh Yog Sansthan proves that the Yoga is the way for the peaceful mind and overall health.


The location of the school allows you to see the Sun during morning & evening practice makes the bio-energy effortlessly and helps in spiritual growth according toYajur veda-Sandhya vandanam). Matha or the school allow you to live alone in a small room which is free from disturbances of pollution and ordinary people. Lonely life helps in self realization. Avoiding disturbance of fir, water, and rocks at a bow length helps in maintaining the gained energy from the practices. This allows the undisturbed yogic life according to Hatha Yoga Pradipika-12. Matha is not be too high, too low or too long and is free from insects. Such small spacious life will allow the person to preserve the physical energy and spend towards spiritual journey according to Hatha Yoga Pradipika -13.

The sacred Lake that is river Ganga facilitates the ambient atmosphere. Availability of plenty of water is the basic requirement for sandhya vandanam according to Yajur veda-Sandhya vandanam. Hence the learner will get to "know how to pray the Pancha mahabhootas" which are around us all the time like Sun, river Ganga etc., Manasika snanam (mental bathing) is mentally comprehend the lotus feet of the lord is on your head and water of virija (Heavenly river) from his feet flowing all over your body. Along with this, reciting the hymn or mantra and sprinkle the water over your head is the mental bathing mentioned in Yajur veda-Sandhya vandanam.

Moderate diet according to Hatha Yoga Pradipika -57, 58, Bhagawad gita and ayurveda is fill the stomach half with solid food, one fourth with fluid and leaving one fourth empty. "Sattvik diet" includes the less spices, moderate salt, less oil, boiled vegetables and importantly avoiding deep fry and non-veg according to Bhagawad Gita-6. Wheat, rice, barely, grains, purified milk, ghee, brown sugar, butter, sugar candy, honey, dry ginger, pot herbs, green gram and pure water are considered to be Sattvik foods according to Hatha Yoga Pradipika -1.62. As mentioned in Hatha Yoga Pradipika -1.63, these kinds of food habits will nourish the dhatus like plasma, blood, muscles, fat, bones, bain-marrow-nerves and sem.

Having the fundamental knowledge throughout the program and the lifestyle will keep the person in tune with the eternal force or cosmic energy. The students hence grow as an independent soul in the journey of yoga. Rishikesh Yog Sansthan offers "the mental purifying and transformative program" within 200 hours. Rishikesh Yoga Sansthan make the "teachers of spirituality". The realization of "Yuj" in real life can be experienced through Rishikesh Yog Sansthan. The experienced teachers as the models of yogic life are guides for the students. Rishikesh Yog Sansthan is waiting to continue the journey with the newcomers. Rishikesh Yog Sansthan programs are based totally on the traditional and modern techniques like "Gheranda Samhita, Iyengar yoga, Pattabhi Jois and the Taittiriya Upanishds". The whole program makes the learner to understand his or her own emotions, take them "towards emotional purification state and the emotional culturing state".

  1. Teaching Process (Theory & Practical subjects)
  2. Evaluation process
  3. Code of conduct

Incorporating yoga practices for physical, mental and emotional disorders. Students will learn how to plan treatments through yoga.

A1. Yoga Therapy

  1. Principles of yoga therapy
  2. Concept of Stress
  3. Yoga for Diabetes
  4. Yoga for Irritable Bowel Syndrome
  5. Yoga for Constipation
  6. Yoga for Hypertension
  7. Yoga for Asthma

A2. Mantra Chanting/ Recitation of Sacred Sound

A3. Asana/ Yoga Postures

  1. Hatha Yoga
  2. Ashtanga Yoga

A4. Pranayama/ Breathing Practices

  1. Yogic Breathing
  2. Ujjayi
  3. Bhastrika
  4. Nadi – Sodhana
  5. Bhramari
  6. Surya-Bhedi & Chandra-Bedi
  7. Sheetali & Sheetkari

A5. Yoga Gestures/ Mudras

  1. Jnana mudra
  2. Chin mudra
  3. Yoni mudra
  4. Bhairava mudra
  5. Hridaya mudra
  6. Nasikagra
  7. Khechari

A6. Yoga Bandhas/ Energy Lock

  1. Jalandhara
  2. Uddiyana
  3. Mula
  4. Maha Bandha

A7. Dhyana/ Meditation

  1. Breathing Awareness Meditation
  2. Om Meditation
  3. Trataka
  4. Dynamic Meditation
  5. Mantra Meditation
  6. Cyclic Meditation

A8. Relaxation Techniques

  1. Insant Relaxation
  2. Quick Relaxation
  3. Deep Relaxation

A9. Shatkarma/ Yoga Cleansing Techniques

  1. Rubber-neti (Cleansing nostrils with a rubber cathedral)
  2. VamanaDhouti (Active Vomiting technique)
  3. Trataka with Music (Concentration practice)
  4. Kapalbhati- cleansing the lungs

There are two kinds of yoga anatomy: physical and spiritual. Understanding both types are needed.

B1. Brief overview:

  1. Digestive System- Basics and related yogic practices of gastritis, irritable bowel syndrome, indigestion
  2. Respiratory System- Basics and related yogic practices of asthma, bronchitis, sinusitis
  3. Circulatory System- Basics and related yogic practices of hypertension, coronary artery disease, stroke
  4. Endocrine System- Basics and related yogic practices of thyroidism, diabetes, polycystic ovarian disease

B2. Guidelines in Studying Asana Anatomy

  1. Mind
  2. Breathing
  3. Biomechanics

B3. Ayurveda

  1. Introduction to Ayurveda
  2. Personalityaccording to Ayurvedic
  3. Essential Ayurvedic Treatments

1. Introductions of yoga- Definitions and History
2. Panchakosha
3. Patanjali Yoga Sutras: over view 
4. Bhagavadgita
5. Chakras 
6. Emotions & 5 Senses

7. Prana
8. Trigunas
9. Jnana Yoga
10. Bhakti Yoga
11. Karma Yoga
12. Raja Yoga


Students will take turns to show their practices and also conduct a session for their peers and teachers.

Teaching Methodology

  1. Structuring the Yoga Asana classroom
  2. Tone or Voice
  3. Stepwise instructions
  4. Counting with instructions
  5. Support the needy person & appreciate the best performance
  6. Stay in the final pose with the meaning of "Stiram Sukham Asanam"

Teaching Techniques

  1. Demonstration
  2. Alignment
  3. Instructions
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Rishikesh Yoga Retreats is located near the holy river Ganga, offers Yoga Alliance certified Yoga Teacher Training Courses, Yoga and Meditation Retreats, Prenatal Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh, India. 
Courses Offered By Yoga School Rishikesh Yoga Retreats
  • 100 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh India
  • 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh India
  • 300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh India
  • 500 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh India
  • 7, 14 and 21 Days Yoga Retreat in Rishikesh India
  • Prenatal Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh India
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